The total length of this vehicle is 294 inches, with a wheelbase of 186 inches.
This vehicle puts the priority on water volume (1700 IG) and is equipped with a PTO pump that can perform up to 1050 IGPM.
Compartment space is more restrained, but adequate with respect to the various tasks for which this vehicle is designated.
The portable tank and four suction hoses are stored in a sealed compartment located at the rear of the vehicle. Thanks to a wide footstep, access to this equipment can be gained quite safely.
A robust ladder in the back gives access to space above the tank that can be used for various combinations of hose compartments.
Two compartments for preconnected hoses in front are equipped with movable drawers, permitting unloading without having to climb onto the truck.
The compartments are equipped with a door that opens upwards totally liberating the space and allowing heavy equipment like portable pumps to be handled more easily, while maximizing the height of the opening available in the compartment.
The 4-inch rear inlet has no valve and is not subject to freezing in winter. The system is installed inside the reservoir, away from the cold.
The rear discharge valve turns through 180º and is equipped with a tilting extension.
In spite of its simplicity, making it an inexpensive vehicle, its functionalities are nevertheless surprising.